Friday, April 4, 2008

More Thoughts on Cat Condoms

Another possibility demanding the urgency of condom use among cats is an outbreak of feline immunodeficiency virus, known best by its technical name, Kitty Cat AIDS. While sexual activity is one vector of transmission, the virus can also be spread through scratches, bite wounds, and snuggling. Such casual transmission would, of course, require the condom to cover not only the cat's genitals, but, in fact, the entire cat. While the enormous condoms that I personally require (but do not use, since pregnancy prevention is a woman's concern, and acquiring a fatal sexual disease could never happen to me) could easily fit a cat (and often do), not all men have been endowed with a cat-sized (and shaped) penis, so some men may need to purchase a different condom to protect their pussy. Cats native to Southern Indiana must be rather small because the condoms specifically indicated for cat use were advertised for their "Slimmer Fit."

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