As I journey across these United States, I shall endeavour to capture some of the deliciously pithy scribblings that adorn the partitioned walls of men's toilet stalls. From Maryland to California, I will be presenting photographic evidence of the primacy of the communicative desire among the male of the species homo sapiens. These men clearly have something to say, and what better place to make a statement than the inside of a metal door in a malodorous box containing a receptacle temporarily yet repeatedly filled with human excrement!
Topics discussed in these missives include politics, race, and sexuality in all its various guises. Some take the form of artistic renderings that seem to exist solely for the pleasure of the viewer and, naturally, the expression of the artist. Others include contact information and instructions, presumably in the hopes of finding a like-minded friend to meet up for an invigorating chat over a cup of chamomile tea. While issues will likely vary by locale and the interests of the residents and travelers therein, I suspect that many themes will prove universal.
I should note that I am not a professional photographer, and the stealthy nature of this mission requires much discretion and haste, resulting in less-than-perfect conditions for setting up shots. In addition, not all surfaces are particularly photogenic, and my meager skills may not being able to compensate to a satisfactory degree. Further complicating matters, some Philistines are continually removing this folk art for reasons I will not venture to guess but are presumably related to sexual inadequacy. I will, however, attempt to provide some context, and capture to the best of my ability the messages conveyed in this most ancient manner, which can only be compared to cave painting or medieval illumination. Without further ado.....To the stalls!
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