
This is quite possibly a remnant from the Revolutionary War, when anger at the Crown reached its zenith and impudent Colonial scribes penned fiery pamphlets bemoaning the immense suckitude of the United Kingdom of Britain.

An ancient and sacred symbol dating from the Neolithic period, this particular image, called a swastika, denotes good luck. Mischievously appropriated for a short time by a pesky band of ne'er-do-wells, it has apparently reclaimed its rightful place as an emblem of peace and magnanimity in many parts of the rural American South.

Not often do I receive the great honor of following an honest-to-Goodness celebrity into the stall, but such was clearly the case in Kentucky! As you can see from the above picture, I was obviously preceded by none other than Democratic presidential candidate and black separatist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama! Truly, hope springs eternal in the human bowel.

Drunk with excitement from the Obama near-miss (and eager to report my findings to the Department of Homeland Security), I was in the process of leaving the stall when my good eye caught a familiar sight scrawled faintly into the pale yellow paint. Could it be? Yes! The initials of my most elusive quarry, KKK himself! What a rich yield had this stall provided me! I should have known when I saw the swastika that luck was on my side, and KKK would not be far behind, or ahead, as the case may have been. And as goes KKK, so go I. Onward!
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